Saturday, 14 September 2013

Something I Felt Missing....

Well honestly, I'm never good at blogging. I don't know why. Maybe because sometimes I  never had a clue what to write and other times just being busy. Or I'm just thinking that my writing are just bullshit! Nobody going to read it. I really don't mind if people don't read it. Its not really important to them. But to me, writing is a process of expressing myself to myself. I sometimes find it is hard for me to understand myself. Didn't realise how is my feelings until I write it down and start to read them back then only to notice that I am a total wrecked.

Writing in a blog sometimes are interesting and other times are so damn boring. Its like drinking a cup of hot chocolate on a rainy day. Comforting . Yes I know. But wait till the rains never stop. You just keep on waiting the sun to shine so that you can play and have fun outside. Writing a blog would be boring to you if you DON'T HAVE:

1. Great ideas to write about.
(how do you write if you don't have ideas or interesting subjects? and trust me finding a subject to write about is not an easy task)

2. Follower to response to
(This might not sound important but..... It does create an interesting elements to your blog when people give feedbacks on your writing. That is one of the way to know how influential your writing to other people's life.

3. A life.
(One of the MOST IMPORTANT aspects when writing a blog. I do love to read other people's blog regarding their life, their passion, travel and great food recipes and tips. and most of these people looks like they have so much fun in their life. Sharing great moments with the readers sounds good but what if your life is just as boring as your same old routine everyday? and then what to write. definitely people won't be interested to read about your life.

But that is not the point. These whole conversation of me writing this post is not about how to write a good blog.

It is actually for me to expand my writing skills and to write some thoughts on my life and my surroundings. Deep down inside of me, I have been having feelings of emptiness in life that I can't express it or figure it out. Yes, it hurt sometimes to think about it. What medicine should I take if I don't even know what causes the pain?

Surely, its definitely not a sickness cause by virus or bacteria. I think its actually a heart type of sickness. It will ruin your heart if your don't figure it out soon. So, I am still finding some ways to cure the heart by making a few lists that I think my help my heart to be better, healthier and happier.

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